In The News
The latest media coverage featuring One Truckee River’s work to ensure a healthy and thriving river connected to its community.
As guided by our Management Plan, we aim to improve water quality, create a thriving environment, conduct education and outreach, and facilitate long-term management of the Truckee River.
For press inquiries, click here.
River-friendly living demonstration garden installed at Lake Park
Grant funding to help local non-profit protect Truckee River
Additional Media Coverage
Rooting Resilience: Meet the Awardees
River Network announces nearly $3.3 million to One Truckee River and other local organizations and Indigenous communities for tree planting and maintenance projects, increasing health and happiness nationwide. River Network – January 14, 2025
Downtown Reno Installs 'Portland Loo' Restroom Number Three
One Truckee River ribbon cutting announcement for downtown Reno's third "Portland Loo" restroom. 2News Nevada – June 21, 2024
New ‘Portland Loo’ public restroom opens at City Plaza
Video with OTR Executive Director Iris Jehle-Peppard talking about our third restroom installation. Bob Conrad, This Is Reno – June 20, 2024.
116 Nonprofits Awarded for exemplary board giving
OTR rewarded Community Foundation of Northern Nevada’s 2023 100% Giving Board Award. November, 2023.
City Plaza, Park Restrooms Get A Facelife
Reno approves installation of restrooms and Portland Loos in Idlewild Park Snowflake Shelter, Idlewild Park Kiddieland, Huffaker Park, Manzanita Park and City Plaza. Kelsey Penrose, This is Reno – November 21, 2023
Downtown Reno Installs 'Portland Loo' Restroom Number Two
TV coverage of new public restroom installation in Broadhead Park, 2News Nevada - March 16, 2023
River gets new ‘Portland loo’ public restroom
The unveiling of a second public restroom along the Truckee River was held In Brodhead Park. Mark Hernandez, This is Reno – March 16, 2023
Iris Jehle-Peppard on the Truckee River
Iris Jehle-Peppard, the executive director of One Truckee River, gets together with Conor of the Renoites Podcast to discuss the importance of the Truckee River to the Reno/Sparks area, and some of the initiatives that have been put in place to protect it. – June 14, 2022
Agency seeks input on placing restrooms at parks along Truckee River
Radio segment calling for input from the public on placement of restrooms at parks along the Truckee River – January 10, 2022
Non-profit plans to install more public restrooms along Truckee River
TV coverage of more public restrooms along the Truckee River. Audrey Mayer, KUNR Public Radio – January 10, 2022
New Tahoe-Pyramid Trail Signage
Dedication of new Tahoe-Pyramid Trail signage at Mayberry Park, one of 190+ new signs installed in 2021. Tahoe Pyramid Trail Blog – June 7, 2021
A New Type of Toilet from Portland on the Truckee River
The Reno Restroom project began with the idea to provide restrooms to anyone utilizing the Truckee River path, including people without stable shelter who often gather in areas along the water. Lucia Starbuck, Our Town Reno – Feb 1, 2021
New public restroom opens along Truckee River
Announcement that Reno’s newest, and perhaps most talked about, restroom to open with a public ceremony in Broadhead Memorial Park. This is Reno – August 15, 2020
One Truckee River Month and Reno River Festival
Ashley Sanchez and Aaron Keller sit down with One Truckee River's Sophie Butler and NDOW's Aaron Meier to talk about Truckee River Month, River Fest, and the work of One Truckee River and its partner stakeholders. Nevada Department of Wildlife’s Nevada Wild Podcast – May 10, 2019.
Wine Walk to Support One Truckee River
A portion of the proceeds from the Riverwalk District’s monthly event to support One Truckee River. Newswire – April 9, 2019
One Truckee River Celebrates River for Month of May
One Truckee River to host education, yoga, arts, history, river clean-up, and other events throughout May to celebrate the Truckee River. This is Reno – May 1, 2018
Nevada Wild: One Truckee River Month
Nevada Wild sits down with Conservation Educator Tricia Dutcher and One Truckee River's Patricia Tierney to talk about Truckee River Month events and what to expect. Nevada Department of Wildlife’s Nevada Wild Podcast – April 27, 2018.
Working to protect the Truckee River
Rivers for Change organized the Source to Sea fundraiser to paddle from Lake Tahoe to Pyramid Lake. Priya Hunter, July 12, 2017 – Tahoe Guide
Mile markers placed along the Truckee River to help better navigate
One Truckee River, along with the cities of Reno and Sparks, installed mile markers along the Truckee River to assist the recreating public as they spend time along the river path, as well as emergency services, providing location guidance every tenth of a mile. Kenzie Bales, April 25, 2017 – News4
One Truckee River tackles water quality, homelessness
The One Truckee River Management Plan addresses water quality issues caused by homeless people who live along the river by bringing individuals and agencies together. Ashley Nickole Andrews, Dec 1, 2016 – Medium
Plan to improve, protect Truckee River gets go-ahead
A holistic management plan designed by a coalition of nonprofits, city planners and government officials to improve and protect the Truckee River was given a final go-ahead by the Reno City Council. Anjeanette Damon, Sept 28, 2016 – Reno Gazette Journal
Hundreds Of Groups Unite For One Truckee River Plan
For the first time a comprehensive management plan was proposed for the Truckee River and revealed to the public. Ky Plaskon, June 6, 2016 – KUNR Public Radio
One Truckee River brings together the community to enrich the river
News video about how and why community groups came together to build a Truckee River that flow clean and clear. Cassie Wilson, Video about One Truckee River, March 9, 2016 – News4
A Fledgling Organization Aims to Manage the Truckee and its Environs
With their initial funding, group will work towards creation of a comprehensive management system for the Truckee River. Georgia Fisher, July 15, 2015 – Reno News & Review